
Planning Ahead

Registration opened up for the spring term yesterday. I had some time after finishing up the pot sherds project* and before class started.

I am All Anthropology All The Time next term. Hoorah! I'll be going to school Monday through Friday, but it's pretty mellow. Mondays and Wednesdays are just one class, and it's introduction to archaeology taught by the very doctoral candidate whom I helped with her pot sherds project. Tuesdays and Thursdays start early (oh, the pain) with "Peoples of the World" which studies the principles of cultural anthropology by looking at different ethnic groups throughout the world. Then I've got an introduction to physical anthropology with a lab on Tuesday afternoons. On Fridays it's a history of anthropological thought in the middle of the day.

I'm sure it'll be heavy on the reading, but that's fine. I can read.

*Wednesday morning I had the surprising pleasure of cataloging, breaking off a sample from, and packing away the very last pot sherd of the many that were brought back from near Chaco Canyon. The doctoral candidate said that that was the last one, and that she was really happy--two years of always having to do that work whenever she could fit it in. Made me feel good to have helped in some small way.

1 comment:

  1. Most exciting! And your schedule does sound quite workable (although I gringe with you on those early morning days).
    Well done in helping finish the project! Kind of a cool special accomplishment.
