
Last Wednesday I had two anthropology exams; bam, bam, right after each other. Yikes. I got my grade for the ANTH101 exam; an A. I do however, know that I missed an important component of answering the last essay question. All I can hope is that the professor will be merciful.

After the exams yesterday, I wandered to the next classroom. I waited outside the class, along with another classmate. After we sat there for a while, she asked how I was doing on my paper.


Oh crap, crap, crap. I forgot entirely about a paper due this Friday at 5:00PM.

I've already requested an extension--for the first time ever--and hope to be able to turn it in next Tuesday. *eep*


In the Midst

Just checked the mid-term grades; three As and a B. I'm pretty chuffed.

I've got tests in both of my anthropology classes this Wednesday. Eek. Tomorrow I've got a meeting with my adviser to plan my spring term classes.


Exam I: Anthropology 330

A week ago Monday was the first anthropology exam. It was in the more advanced class (300-level) and is taught by a working archaeologist. I studied. I panicked. Pored over notes. Freaked out. Studied some more. Last Monday, I walked into class, loins metaphorically girded, and took the test.

Today we got them back. The professor said that scores ranged from 10/60 to 56/60. Guess who got 56? Yep. Me.