
Getting a Handle on It All

Saturday I got my welcome letter from WSU (**Go Cougars!).

Sunday, I played with my student ID number and the student-only web site. Tried to see if I could register for any classes, but it was not to be. It was fun to stumble around and find out out the system works.

Monday, I called and made an appointment with my adviser. First, I had to figure out who my adviser was. I was surprised at how friendly and actually helpful everyone I spoke with was. That made me breathe a little easier. Appointment made for Tuesday afternoon, and I girded my loins for being on someone else's schedule. Weird.

Tuesday. Of course I got there early. I don't know the campus and it would be rude to be late. Also a terrible first impression for the person who'll be advising me every semester until I graduate. I want her on my side. We talked, I found out that 73 of my previous credits transferred (yay), so I've got 47 credits to graduate. That's four semesters or two years. I am going to see if I can take a summer course or two just to keep my toes in.

She gave me a rough plan for the next two years, showing what classes I needed to take to fulfill my major. Then she looked for classes that I could get into. I had several to choose from. My job was to go home, write e-mails to the professors asking to be added to their classes, and prepare the paperwork that they need to sign to approve my request.

I wasn't afraid to write the e-mails. I was afraid of walking up to strangers and asking for their signatures. (This explains why I am tragic at celebrity-stalking.) Good news, the first response to my e-mail came back in less than an hour. The second came soon after that. The next one came several hours later. But nothing from the professor of the class that would start my day. *gulp* So I'd have to go in cold.


Tune in tomorrow for My First Day of School.

**I am still tickled that the school mascot is a cougar. It's almost a reflex to yell, "Go cougars!" after saying the school name. Reminiscent of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure ("San Dimas High School football rules!"). Okay, maybe it's only me.

I'm also amused because of the whole cougar thing and wonderful Mr.X being 10 years younger than me.

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing (of course, since yesterday I've had ditto sheet aroma on my mind). I'd like to link your blog to mine, but which would you prefer? The back to school or the big words? Or neither? Also curious, you are not on the Betty blog roll, is that on purpose? (Sorry to annoy you at this busy time, but I'm nosy, and in Eugene so I can't help myself.)
